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Success Story: Know More about Alberto's path, RBS MBA Alumni

Alberto Staboli, MBA Alumni, now Senior Accountant at Renault Group

Get insights and learn from his learning journey with Rome Business School, on how to make the most of your Master!

Embarking on the MBA journey at Rome Business School in April 2023, I found myself immersed in a melting pot of global perspectives. The experience has been nothing short of transformative, fostering collaborations with classmates hailing from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds. From delving into thought-provoking research endeavors to tackling team assignments, every interaction has been an opportunity for growth and learning.

Reflecting on the most poignant aspects of this MBA odyssey, the dynamic engagement with professors and peers emerges as a cornerstone. The meticulous teaching methodologies coupled with insights from guest speakers have provided invaluable real-world perspectives. Company visits and team-building exercises have not only enriched academic learning but have also forged lasting connections and practical insights.

Transitioning from the rigors of academic life to the dynamic realm of the workforce was both challenging and exhilarating. While the initial impact on the job market posed its share of hurdles, it also served as a catalyst for personal and professional growth. Armed with newfound knowledge and a fresh perspective, navigating the intricacies of professional life became an invigorating adventure.

The influence of my academic journey on early professional experiences has been profound. The acquired knowledge and skill set have not only equipped me to navigate the complexities of the corporate landscape but have also instilled a sense of confidence in tackling challenges head-on.

One significant milestone in my professional journey occurred within three months of joining a new company. Being recognized as the best employee on the team, receiving the coveted star award, was a testament to dedication and proactive engagement with clients and internal stakeholders.

The MBA studies have undeniably been a catalyst for career advancement, opening doors to exciting opportunities within the automotive sector. The interdisciplinary nature of the program has equipped me with a holistic understanding of business dynamics, enabling me to navigate the ever-evolving corporate landscape with confidence and agility.

The impact of higher education on professional skills and competencies cannot be overstated. Courses ranging from Accounting and Financial Management to Strategic Management have provided a robust foundation upon which to build. Practical experiences shared during coursework have offered invaluable insights that continue to shape my professional journey.

In conclusion, the MBA experience at Rome Business School has been a journey of self-discovery and growth. Armed with newfound knowledge and a global perspective, I am poised to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, confident in my ability to make a meaningful impact in the ever-evolving landscape of business and industry.