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Welcome of the Dean

Dear Sir/Madam, I am Antonio Ragusa, Dean of Rome Business School; first of all, let me thank you for your interest in our institute. The Rome Business School is a special community. We distinguish ourselves for the energy and excellence of our faculty, the diversity and talent of our students, the passion of our staff, and the deep ties to the global communities we serve. We encourage our faculty, staff, students, and alumni to be agents of change. Our mission is to bring students, entrepreneurs, managers, and professionals to a level of excellence in their competencies and ethical approaches to business and work, able to play a part in the development of an economic humanity and of a society more prosperous, fair, and respectful of the central role of the individual. You will find our Business School unique in that, just like a family, we offer every student hands-on learning and networking opportunities through internships, cultural and social activities, career coaching sessions, practical experiences, and a multicultural environment represented by more than 150 countries of the world. I guarantee you that our team will work hard every day to provide you with the best training and life experience, with the final objective of boosting your professional and personal future. I encourage you to explore our website to learn more about our outstanding faculty, staff, students, and community partners. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our programmes. Thank you for having read this letter today, I look forward to welcoming you in our family in the future. To your success, Dean Antonio Ragusa

Your passion is our fuel and your ideas the starting point from which to make a change both for you and the world.

Our students, alumni, faculty, and staff members are the driving force behind this change. We are committed to creating future managers, entrepreneurs, and professionals to a level of excellence and ethics in their competences to take the world to the next age of modernity and progress.

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Our Career & Talent mentors are here to guide you toward the professional summit you've set for yourself. Together, we can make it happen.

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