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Leadership: To Guide or Sustain?

If there’s anything that the world should have learned by now, is that we are not as indestructible and strong as we thought – and we definitely have no chance against Nature. Covid-19 is living proof that pandemics are not just science-fiction and can truly lead to global economic disasters. 

A few months ago, we imagined post-pandemic as a blissful place, in which we would lead our organizations towards an even better future and absolute normal. We imagined to thrive but now it seems a lengthier endeavor than we expected. In fact, recurrences of COVID-19 continue to plague many parts of the world and many companies geographies are still struggling to recover from the crisis. Even those countries that are well on their way back to “normal”, have a long road ahead since globalization has made us all permanently linked. 

In such times, as leaders, our role is to sustain. Sustain the people, the organizations, sustain society to hold on and keep on marching ahead. People need a leader to motivate them through stress and fatigue, organizations need a leader to push them to keep on producing value, society needs a leader to protect it from future threats. Most importantly, leaders need to sustain their own leadership and ability to serve as a role model and motivation during this long path through recovery. 

How should we do this?

In order to understand and lead others, we must first understand ourselves – and lead our thoughts.  One important thing to keep in mind is that in times of stress it is very easy to fall back into less positive patterns. It is essential to look into ourselves and make sure that we are being the best version of ourselves. Honest introspection and humanity can affect the organization as well, and its overall productivity. In fact, it is essential to find a balance, to understand that every single person (and organization) needs certain moments to disengage and seek renewal. A leader, to sustain him/herself and others, needs to fully comprehend that any kind of growth (or recovery) must be visualized not a “rush” but as a long term project, to be undertaken with positivity and synchrony.