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22 daily micro habits that will change your life

Sometimes a big action lead to a bigger payout and this doesn’t even mean that it will change your life, or the way you approach to things and situations. The point is that if you want to start being different, you need to begin now and from small steps. Here will follow some impactful micro habits you can adopt even tonight.

1. Reject more

Everyday try to reach out to one or two people who you would like to work with, no matter if they will reply to you or not. It could be a potential employer, an organization at which you would like to speak or love to work with. You might not hear back at first, but eventually, you will get a response from someone. You have nothing to lose, but potentially a lot to gain.

2. Write!

Whether you have a book you’ve always dreamt of writing, a business plan that’s been in the back of your mind for a while, or even just a blog you want to start, write just a few sentences each day. The time will build on its own and you will find yourself writing more and more without even thinking. But commit to just beginning with one paragraph.

3. Have a look at your bank account

Make it a habit to check in on your account at least one time per day, this makes possible to you to keep yourself aware of exactly what you have and where it is going. Getting a better control on your finances begins with having a consistently accurate mental layout of your accounts.

4. Get used to maintenance

Focus and act every day to get closer to your goals, aspirational efforts make you feel 

that you are working to get where your dreams are and that living your best life is like running a victory lap daily. Take care also about the ordinary maintenance of things, like cleaning, healthy cooking, staying current on bills and work assignments, exercise. You will recognize that the quality of your life will be directly and drastically improved if you can manage to fit these little actions in your daily routine.

5. Choose comfort for your future self

If you want to change your life, you need to start considering the needs and wants of your future self over the ones you have right now, commit to making choices for the benefit of your future self. Being present is good but means to lead to your most base instincts and desires not enlightenment.

6. Be more responsive

If someone sends you a text, answer it when you see it. As often as you are able, respond to important emails as they come in. This will ensure that you aren’t left with a backlog of work that needs to be done.

7. Count until 10

When you see or hear something that immediately enrages you or upsets you count until 10 before reacting and question it. Figure out where it came from, and ask yourself whom your reaction to it would serve. Learning to take that micro-pause between a stimulus and your response will change the way you look at everything.

8. Fulfill your base needs

You are not a machine, your body and life does need some fuel to keep it running. Eat when you are hungry. Sleep when you are tired. Trying to deny the importance of your most basic requirements for functioning does not mean you are busy and important, it means you are ignorant and setting yourself up for a breakdown or burnout.

9. Curate your sphere of influence

You know that the people you spend the most time with have a significant impact on who you will become.But do you also realize that what and who you are surrounding yourself with effect you. Take a look at who you follow online and what their presence on your newsfeed does for you.  Your sphere is your environment and it is having a silent impact on you every time.

10. Take action when you want to do something.

A lot of what holds people back is those few seconds between when you have an amazing idea, and when your brain interferes. To really move your life forward, you need to act on your ideas before convincing yourself to not to.

11. Take action when you don’t.

At the same time, it’s imperative to learn that just because you do not feel like doing something does not mean you are incapable of doing it. Your feelings do not impact your ability.

12. Read more.

Don’t’ stop learning, growing and developing yourself. If you don’t like reading books or newspapers follow people on social media that post or share interesting articles and ideas. Read a news story in the morning. Listen to an audiobook on your commute. How much you read is directly related to your self-growth, and your self-growth is directly related to your external success.

13. Scroll less

Train yourself to limit your “scroll” time everyday. Try one of those browser installations that give you a set amount of time you can spend on a website in a day before it blocks access to the site, or apps that counts how many times you open social media apps. You should be conscious that you are spending hours of your day not doing much, it could be something good to do to relax and take some time off.

14. Observe your patterns

Instead of being critical of yourself when you notice that you’re procrastinating, or engaging in an unhealthy behavior, notice what prompts it. Notice what you’re doing when you feel most at ease, most inspired, or most frustrated. Observe yourself as a third party, treat your life like something you are studying. Get to know what you react to and how — this can help you direct your life.

15. Practice saying “no.”

Your energy is limited each day. Make sure it is only going toward that you truly care about. You should not feel bad about saying “no” to some things. It is ultimately a means of self-preservation.

16. Practice diverting your attention

When you have a self-defeating thought, the solution isn’t usually to mull on it until you arrive at a different conclusion. The solution is to distract yourself with something productive. Divert your attention to something that helps you, not negative thoughts that can lead to a spiral. 

17. Share your ideas consistently and clearly.

Having ideas is great, but they won’t go anywhere if you aren’t able to articulate them, come up with an action plan that allows you to implement them.

18. Use what you have.

The next time you have the urge to go pick up dinner or a new outfit for the weekend, challenge yourself just once to wear what’s in your closet, or eat what’s in your pantry, even if you don’t want to that much.

19. Drink one more glass of water.

Don’t worry about pressuring yourself to get all recommended 8 cups down perfectly. Just focus on drinking one more. Then, when that’s part of your routine, add another.

20. Eat one less unhealthy snack.

Don’t worry about trying to completely overhaul your diet and perfect every single thing that crosses your lips. Focus only on foregoing one single unhealthy choice that you’d make on any given day.

21. Create open portals for people to reach and contact you for what you want to do.

Make sure that you are consistently making your information available to those who may want to reach out to you. Your personal website and online presence is the new résumé, so make sure you are consistently updating and improving it, and making it easy for others to understand what you do and how to reach you.

22. Begin each day asking yourself: “How can I change my life today?”

Get out of the mindset that you have to “get through” the day and get into the mindset that the coming hours are filled with open-ended potential for you to take action that will change your life. The only difference is your willingness to see things differently, and your effort in trying to make them better.