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The Executive Master in Marketing & Sales ASFOR re-accredited for 5 years

ASFOR reconfirms the accreditation of the RBS Executive Master in Marketing & Sales
  • ASFOR, the most authoritative accreditation body in Italian higher education, has renewed ASFOR accreditation of the Executive Master in Marketing & Sales, with an excellent rating.
  • The body examined the structure, organization, quality, preparation of teachers and the impact of the Career Center on the professional growth of students.
  • The accreditation confirms the value of the Master for its robustness in terms of content, structure and teaching methodology. Furthermore, it underlines the strong connection with the world of work, thanks to collaborations with companies such as Enel and Sky and other managerial realities of international importance.
  • To date, there are three RBS Masters accredited by ASFOR.

The Executive Master in Marketing & Sales of Rome Business School reconfirms ASFOR accreditation and continues to be the only Master of this type in Italy to have this recognition from ASFOR. The Italian Training Association, the most important reference body in Italy for evaluating excellence in post-graduate and executive education training courses , has certified the Master’s compliance with the most rigorous international standards.

According to the evaluation obtained , the Master stands out positively for its well-constructed structure and in line with ASFOR standards, highlighting a balance between the organizational and didactic components . It is also underlined that students and companies that have hired RBS students are very satisfied with the training, appreciating in particular its transversal nature, the international dimension and the professionalization offered.

Not only that, the renewal of this recognition demonstrates the maintenance and exceeding of the standards analyzed regarding: admission procedure, educational path, teaching staff and program director, personal development of students and professional orientation service , structure and organizational aspects, system of quality assessment, as well as economic and financial sustainability of the Master and of the institution itself. The evaluation is conducted by the ASFOR board of directors, the accreditation commission and a verification team composed of three auditors.

ASFOR, therefore, recognizes the value, solidity and high quality of the Master offered by Rome Business School . In particular, the professionalism of the teachers, the activities of the Career Center for the professional progress of students and the international approach adopted by RBS were appreciated . ASFOR highlighted the international context in which RBS operates, the fact of being among the most international Business Schools in Italy (with 64% of students coming from foreign countries), for its membership of Grupo Planeta, for the network of companies RBS partners with international reach and 13 partnerships with educational institutions based around the world. This latter connection offers students significant opportunities for international exchanges and shared study programs with other institutions. The institution also underlined the continuous development and growth of RBS, also found in the adoption of replicable organizational procedures , which is reflected both in the management of various programs and in the standardization of the institute’s activities, which are constantly evolving.

For Antonio Ragusa, Dean of Rome Business School, the renewal of this ASFOR accreditation “is the result of intense team work, which reconfirms RBS among the institutes of excellence in the Italian education panorama. This recognition once again underlines the high quality of our educational program and rewards RBS’s constant commitment to offering a service of absolute excellence to its students, maintaining a vision oriented towards continuous improvement .