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Rome Business School's Career Fair: over 100 companies and 800 students

  • The largest Career Fair organised by a business school in Italy: +42% job offers compared to last year, 100 companies and over 200 HR from 16 different sectors for a total of over 2400 interviews in one day.
  • World leaders such as Balenciaga, Toyota, IBM, Hays, Canon, L’Oréal were present at Spazio Novecento.
  • During the event also Talent sessions focused on responsible work and leadership, entrepreneurship and sustainability, held by Unilever, Microsoft, Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
  • Rome Business School has a strong focus on enhancing the career impact of its students: in 2023, 70.1% of RBS students received a job offer before completing their Master’s degree and 76.3% experienced a salary increase during their studies.

At Spazio Novecento, Rome, the Rome Business School Career Fair organized the largest recruitment event organised by a business school in Italy. The event involved 100 leading companies from 16 sectors, over 200 human resources managers, and around 800 students.

During the fair, students can meet the 100 companies, present their CVs and conduct interviews, expanding their network. Fifty per cent of the companies present last year repeat the experience along with many new additions, including start-ups and major luxury brands and leading telecommunications companies. Moreover, 7 talks organised by RBS on topics such as responsible leadership, diversity & inclusion, sustainability and green business aimed at raising students’ awareness in order to make them future responsible leaders, capable of generating a positive impact in the company.

In this edition, the students present had the opportunity to meet HR people from companies such as NTT Data, Balenciaga, American Express, TIM, Renault. With the Career Fair 2024, Rome Business School reconfirms its strong link with companies and its position as one of the leading business schools in employability in Italy.

“Rome Business School’s Career Fairs are now established as a solid point of reference in the Italian and international employability panorama, creating increasingly effective bridges between talents and new professional opportunities. It is particularly exciting to find our Alumni guests at the fair with their start-ups created at Rome Business School, as well as in the role of new Talent managers for the companies that have interviewed them during the previous editions of the fair – one of the many virtuous circles created in the synergic culture of RBS,” says Florinda Orsini, Head of the RBS Career Center.

Starting in the morning, students had the opportunity to apply for open positions, make themselves known to recruiters, hand in their CVs, experience job interviews, improve their skills and communication abilities, learn more about recruitment processes, receive valuable advice directly from HR professionals and, above all, get to know the companies up close. During the Career Fair, more than 340 job vacancies were made available thanks to the HR professionals present at the event. The job positions presented covered a wide range of professional sectors, including finance, agribusiness, fashion and luxury, arts and culture, and tourism, as well as cross-functional job opportunities in the roles of HR, administration, data science, IT and technology, consulting, marketing, and project management, to name but a few.

“At the Career Fair, I found very well prepared young people with skills in different areas: in technology, human resources, and also in business and marketing processes. It was very interesting to talk to them and give them information about our company and the opportunities that are on the market,” says Alessandro Chinnici, Senior Consultant at IBM.

In fact, RBS’ commitment to the career development of students is constant throughout the year. The goal is to train talent to be competitive, innovate and make a positive impact in the company and society as a whole. Not only that, prepare them through practical training that is attentive to the latest trends and needs in the world of work, and finally connect them with companies.

As of today, there are in fact more than 1150 Rome Business School partner companies, with which students meet, more than 100 activities organised each year such as Business Practice Lab, Company shadowing, Company meetings aimed at training them in the best possible way and bringing them closer to companies: 70.1% of RBS students received a job offer before completing the Master and 76.3% found a salary increase during their studies.

RBS aims in fact to train professionals, specialists ready to enter and grow in the working world. Of the 1153 students on this intake, 41% are Italian, 59% international, of these 63% follow functional Master’s programmes such as Finance, General Management, HR, Data & Technology, and 27% areas such as Health, Tourism, Energy. The preparation offered is highly practical, attentive to the development of soft skills and updated thanks also to the contribution of the companies that are part of the RBS Corporate Advisory Board, to date 106, and to all the activities planned such as Bootcamps abroad and Capstone Projects that allow students to gain experience of what they have learnt. Lastly, each student can customise his or her own career path, choosing from no less than 7 paths offered by the Career Centre, enhanced by individual meetings, mock interviews, workshops and meetings with career coaches, HR consultants and recruiters.

All of these initiatives contribute to students seeing an average salary increase of 27% one year after completing their studies, 87.5% of students gaining more responsibility in their current job and 81.4% using the skills they have developed in the company. Getting to know companies closely is also a source of inspiration for many young people who choose to set up their own businesses: 33% of RBS students start their own businesses, thanks in part to RBS4Entrepreneurship, the Rome Business School business incubator that has incubated over 150 projects since its launch in 2021.

The success of RBS students in the global job market, with an impressive 83% working in companies with international operations and 72% in multinationals, is testament to the effectiveness of RBS’s training and commitment to preparing global leaders ready to meet and overcome the challenges of the modern world.

The Career Fair proves to be another extraordinary opportunity for students to get closer to the world of work, make connections, and access professional opportunities to really boost their careers, “The Rome Business School’s Career Fair is confirmed as the largest and most influential event in the Italian business school scene. Our mission is to be a bridge between emerging talents and leading global companies. This year, with over 100 participating companies and a wide range of sectors represented, we offer our students a unique opportunity to come into direct contact with market leaders, learn directly from their experiences and discover career opportunities that will define the future of business. Rome Business School’s goal is to train not only managers, but pioneers of change, able to innovate and lead with responsibility in the global context,” concludes Antonio Ragusa, Dean of Rome Business School.