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RBS4Entrepreneurship Pitch Day

In the world of entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainable business practices, Rome Business School’s startup Incubation Program allows its students to develop their initial idea turning it into a real business.

The Rome Business School’s RBS4Entrepreneurship Pitch Day represented the culmination of a six-month startup incubation program, where seven diverse and promising startup teams have sharpened their skills, expanded their business models, and developed innovative solutions.


The Journey

The RBS4Entrepreneurship Pitch Day is the grand finale of Rome Business School’s exclusive startup incubation program, the program began with the Selection Day, where the seven exceptional startup teams were picked by the RBS4Entrepreneurship Jury, selecting them based on four core admission criteria: business sustainability, innovation, social impact, and team composition.

Throughout the incubation program, these startups embarked on a journey of growth and development. They were given the opportunity to engage in numerous challenges validating their ideas, refining their products and services, testing the market, and optimizing their business models. A key aspect of their progress was the support and guidance of dedicated mentors and qualified training partners who operate within the entrepreneurial ecosystem, helping them navigate the complex world of startups.

Meet the Startups

The seven startups showcased at the RBS4Entrepreneurship Pitch Day represent a diverse array of innovative solutions:

  • ALTERNALGAE: A company dedicated to the development and production of microalgae, with a focus on Spirulina, a nutrient-rich superfood.
  • KLITEUR: A clean, minimal, and safe skincare line designed to address the skin’s needs during the menstrual cycle, providing maximum efficiency of ingredients while preventing hormonal skin issues.
  • NEXT DESK: An app designed for university students and remote workers to find the nearest spot to study or work, conveniently available in cafes and restaurants across Rome.
  • SIMPLO: A creative project management tool that streamlines communication and collaboration between clients and creative teams, offering task tracking, asset control, messaging, and meetings all within one platform.
  • GALLERY RALLY: An app that creates customized art tours, transforming the experience of discovering galleries around the world into an interactive and game-like adventure.
  • SQUP: A gelato brand that focuses on enhancing people’s lifestyles by offering sugar-free gelato made from 100% natural ingredients.

The Pitch Day

During the RBS4Entrepreneurship Pitch Day event, the startup teams had the opportunity to interact with Italian and international business angels, accelerators, and venture capitalists. This occasion not only allowed them to receive initial feedback from potential investors but also held the potential to secure their first investment round, it’s a pivotal moment that can launch these startups into the business world.


Evaluation Committee

The Evaluation Committee assessed the startups based on four crucial criteria: innovation, business sustainability, team composition, and social impact. These criteria are essential in recognizing the startups that exhibit the potential to disrupt industries, create lasting value and positively impact society.

The Evaluation Committee was composed of a diverse panel of experts: Antonio Ragusa from Rome Business School, Vittorio Costa from YourGroup, Michele Franzese from Scai Comunicazione, Alessandro Nasini from Startalia, Raffaele Mannella from Rome Business School, Stefano Gigli from Lazio Innova, Silvia Ferrari from Invest in Toulouse, Sanja Radovanovic from MARI, Fabrizio De Bosini from JF Capital and Edoardo Caccavale from Opinno.


Awards: The Winner and the Special Mentions

During the RBS4Entrepreneurship Pitch Day, the startups demonstrated dedication and innovation, making it a challenging decision for the judging committee.

The first special mention was awarded to SQUP, a brand dedicated to creating sugar-free gelato from 100% natural plant-based ingredients, honored with 10.000€ of services from JFCapital, in recognition of their positive impact and innovation on the ice-cream sector.

ALTERNALGAE, a company focusing on the development and production of microalgae, particularly Spirulina, received the second special mention and an enticing 2-day all-inclusive business trip to Toulouse, courtesy of Invest in Toulouse.

However, the spotlight of the event was on KLITEUR, the winner of the competition, that received an acceleration program from Opinno. The founder, Réka Maria Probst, shared her joy in a heartfelt speech: “It’s been such a crazy ride, I can’t believe that actually a year ago today I was moving to Rome not knowing what I was getting myself into and I was almost not entering the RBS4Entrepreneurship competition but I’m so happy I did, thank you to Rome Business School for giving me the tools to make my dream come true and teaching me all the right values, it’s been so much fun, I’ll tell everyone to take the leap and do it, exactly like I did, I’m very happy! Thank you so much!


Rome Business School’s RBS4Entrepreneurship Pitch Day is a testament to the spirit of innovation, diversity, and social impact that defines the world of startups. The journey of these seven promising startups, from inception to the Pitch Day, is a testament to the potential of passionate entrepreneurs and the power of a nurturing ecosystem. As the world awaits the unveiling of these groundbreaking solutions, the event is a reminder that innovation knows no boundaries and that the future of business and entrepreneurship is full of endless possibilities.