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News 31/10/2017

Customer satisfaction: the new age of marketing

“People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”    -Theodore Roosevelt In recent years, marketing has quickly developed into one of the most important skills to be mastered by pretty much anyone trying to build, maintain and increase his/her personal brand. Experti
News 23/10/2017

The Importance of Influencer Marketing

Recent studies have disclosed that almost 80% of future marketing plans will focus upon at least one influencer marketing campaign in the upcoming year. Influencer marketing is a type of marketing that involves influential people that might hold sway over potential buyers. This may be because of the
News 20/10/2017

Information Technology Executive Training Programme

As has become customary, on Thursday, October 12, the Rome Business School hosted the delegation of the Bangladeshi Government’s Department of Information and Communication Technology for a training course on the Comparison of Technology Innovation Systems in Asia and Europe. Specifically, new tec
News 18/10/2017

International meeting with Huanggang Normal University

On Thursday the 12th of October, a Chinese delegation from the Huanggang Normal University, guided by Vice President Professor Jin Peng, visited the Rome Business School’s campus for a meeting with Antonio Ragusa, Founding President, Marco Rosci, Head of Marketing and Admissions, and Maria Palma P
News 16/10/2017

The scenarios for the resolution of the Catalan crisis

The Catalan referendum held on 1 October created a lot of thorny ramifications that threaten the integrity of Spain, one of the countries of the European Union (EU) that, having been hit by the recent economic crisis, is finally managing to get back on its feet. The president of Catalonia, Mr Carles
News 03/10/2017

Does your creative client really need a website?

Let’s not beat around the bush here. The obvious answer is “yes!” A million time, “yes!” Nevertheless, I continue to speak with actors, directors, visual artists, and others who are not convinced. They tell me, “In my industry, websites don’t really get you work.” Or, “I can just h