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“Mind the Gap” between education and working experience! Fill it with Rome Business Rome Business School

Our goal is to help students to build a solid path towards a successful career and a professional future. To achieve this, not only do we provide them with top-class training, but we also give them the support andassistance of Rome Business School Career Services.

It is our belief that, in order to close the gap between the academic world and the job market, we must open our visions: that’s why, ever since Rome Business School was founded, we have focused our effort on creatinga multicultural and diverse learning environment. We are now the most international business school in Italy, with students coming from more than 150 countries. Therefore, choosing Rome Business School for a higher education program doesn’t just mean receiving a top-level training, but also being introduced to brand new perspectives and building strong and lasting bonds that withstand the test of distance. A new generation is born, where the top talents are yet to be  discovered. 

In our millennium, future leaders have different origins, different ages and different genders. Rome Business School takes pride in encouraging gender equality and forming the new leaders of the world, men and women alike. Every year we see talent and motivation blossom in so many different, yet equal forms. Everyone has the right to aspire to excellence.

Given its international spirit and approach to education, teaching methodology and practical training, it goes without saying that Rome Business School has worked hard to create and establish an international network ofpartnerships and agreements with more than 31 universities and business schools all over the world, and with over 200 globally recognized companies. Students can get advantage of more than 10 specific services to rise your employability with over 45 activities, between workshops, webinars, company meetings and much more.