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Rome Business School launches together with the University of Palermo the First Level University Master in "Sustainability and Circular Bioeconomy Management"

  • The International Online Master in Sustainability and Circular Bioeconomy Management, carried out in synergy between the University of the Palermo and Rome Business School will allow the achievement of 60 CFU and double certification.
  • It aims to prepare professionals and companies to understand the benefits of the Circular Bio Economy to transform businesses, create sustainable products and set sustainable development goals.
  • Sponsored by the CNR and RES4Africa, it is practice-oriented through Business Practice Labs carried out with entities such as Enel, Unido , Save the Children, offers International Bootcamps in Lagos, Paris, Silicon Valley, includes an Elective Course for preparation for EGE certification.
  • Among the professional opportunities: Energy & Circular Economy Manager , NGO Director , Project Manager in sustainability projects, renewable energy and climate change, Policy Analyst, Consultant and Entrepreneur in Green Business, development of sustainable products.
  • The collaboration between the institutions allows us to combine two complementary teaching approaches, guaranteeing students a 360-degree experience.


Rome Business School and the University of Palermo sign an academic collaboration partnership which provides for the joint creation of the International Online Master in Sustainability and Circular Bioeconomy .


Master’s students will therefore be able to obtain a double qualification , that of Rome Business School and that of the Level I University Master’s Degree from the University of Palermo , training oriented towards practice and the job market, and 60 university training credits . Furthermore, the collaboration will allow us to connect and combine two complementary teaching approaches, guaranteeing students a 360-degree experience.


The choice of the Rome Business School to establish a collaboration with the University of Palermo is guided by the recognized prestige and expertise of the University of Palermo on sustainability issues.


“Our mission is to train future leaders in the field of sustainability and the circular bioeconomy, providing them with the tools and skills necessary to face the challenges of the constantly evolving job market”, says Antonio Ragusa, Dean of Rome Business School . “In this context, we are particularly pleased about the cooperation with the University of Palermo, an institution that shares our vision and commitment to promoting a sustainable future.

The University of Palermo is renowned for its academic excellence and in-depth research in the fields of sustainability and environmental innovation. This collaboration allows us to combine our teaching resources and specialist skills, creating a rich and diverse curriculum.

The partnership between Rome Business School and the University of Palermo represents a strategic bridge between theory and practice, fundamental for preparing professionals to effectively respond to the needs of a global market increasingly oriented towards sustainability. By joining forces, we can offer our students a unique education, which integrates managerial skills with a profound environmental and social awareness.

This cooperation not only enriches the educational experience of our students, but also helps shape a new generation of responsible leaders, ready to drive change towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. We are convinced that together, Rome Business School and the University of Palermo, can make a significant difference in the field of education for sustainability and the circular bioeconomy.”


The International Online Master in Sustainability and Circular Bioeconomy Management


The International Online Master in Sustainability and Circular Bioeconomy Management aims to specialize students in the management of sustainability and the circular bioeconomy, and through lessons, workshops, courses, business case studies, meetings with companies, learn how to rethink business and products , creating value, studying the physical dimensions of sustainability , the scope of smart cities , with a focus on renewable energy, circular economy, production and consumption patterns, and key information for fundraising .


The Master also strengthens the student’s managerial skills and allows the acquisition of specialized knowledge in the relevant sector through a learning-by-doing approach . The course of study is in fact designed with the contributions of managers and CEOs of Italian and international multinationals, part of the Corporate Advisory Board of the Rome Business School, including Enel, Nestlé, Ferrarelle, Google, Oracle.


Always aiming to prepare students to face a job market that is constantly evolving, the Master offers fundamental courses such as Project and Operations Management, Management Economics , Business Strategy , Integrated Sustainability Management, Climate Change and Energy Transition Scenarios , Integration of Renewable Energy, and many others. All of this is further enriched by individual coaching sessions and the possibility of participating in international and national bootcamps (Doha, Silicon Valley, Lagos, Paris, Barcelona, Tuscany, Rome).


The Rome Business School offer

The master’s aim is to provide the right theoretical tools to grow a society that respects environmental and sustainable heritage to promote a paradigm shift towards a green transition, explore and implement models aimed at sustainability, and at the same time aims to develop in student transversal skills aimed at training the human skills necessary for professionals in the contemporary job market. To ensure that every student can pursue their career goals, Rome Business School offers the Career Center and educational activities aimed at practical learning. In fact, thanks to the training course offered and these services, in the last year the students of the International Online Masters of Rome Business School have seen a +22% increase in their salaries. Furthermore, thanks to the partnership between Rome Business School and the best national and international companies, students will have the opportunity to approach the world of work and network with important managers of leading companies such as IKEA, Glovo , Google, PWC, Oracle.


As Prof. Lo Nigro, Program Director of the Master, states:

“The partnership between the University of Palermo and Rome Business School for the creation of the Master in Sustainability and Circular Bioeconomy Management creates that combination of research, advanced training and know-how capable of creating a professional figure who is the driving force and catalyst of decisions and actions aimed at “implementing” the principles of sustainability in public and private contexts. Unipa , through its Center for Sustainability and Ecological Transition, offers that group of scientific knowledge and skills capable of guaranteeing the holistic approach required by the transversality of the challenges that the topic of environmental sustainability brings to the attention of responsible management aware of the need of a new circular economy.