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How To Become an Environmental Consultant and Impulse Sustainability

sustainability and the environment

Many of the world’s most advanced countries have shown their support for the plan to reduce CO2 emissions to zero by 2050. Europe has already committed to being carbon-free by that date. But to meet this challenge, the decisive support of businesses and governments is needed, as well as the engagement of specialized professional profiles capable of establishing concrete measures that benefit all stakeholders and turn the challenge into an opportunity. Environmental consultants are an essential part of this process.

The latest Report on the Future of Employment, prepared by the World Economic Forum, which analyzes data from large companies in 45 economies around the world, highlights that ESG criteria are at the forefront of net job creation in the near future. Specifically, ESG refers to environmental, social, and corporate governance factors within organizations. In other words, sustainability and the environment are emerging as sectors with vast employment opportunities in the short and medium term. Specializing in it ensures a high demand for profiles by companies, and an online master’s degree in sustainability is the best way to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills.


What is Environmental Consulting?

New environmental regulations and the awareness of companies and society in general about the need to reduce the impact of all human activities on the environment have made environmental consulting a key component of any organization. But how can it be defined?

Environmental consulting involves advising public and private companies on best practices to address environmental challenges in their activities. The work starts with an analysis of the company’s actions’ impact on the environment and the establishment of programs and policies that meet established standards and ensure the protection of the natural environment.


What is Environmental Sustainability?

One of the first definitions of the concept dates back to 1987 and was given by the UN, specifically in its World Commission on Environment and Development. It defines it as: “meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Over the years, variations of the same concept have been made according to the interests and perceptions of the organizations that defined it. But there is a fundamental basis that remains unchanged: environmental sustainability focuses on prioritizing nature’s care, creating a balance between this and socio-economic needs, always bearing in mind the requirement to preserve the environment for future generations.


What Does an Environmental Consultant Do?

The work of an environmental consultant is crucial to achieving environmental sustainability and reducing the impact of human activity on nature. Their tasks in a company are varied, and an online master’s degree in sustainability is the best place to learn them. Here are some of the main tasks:

  • Evaluate Environmental Impact: The specialist measures the effects of different projects on the environment. This evaluation also includes the economic effects on the company.
  • Establish Measures for Compliance with Regulations: They must stay updated on all legislative developments and intervene when necessary to implement corrective actions.
  • Develop Environmental Strategies: Developing policies and strategies to minimize the environmental impact of operations and communicate the emission reduction goals to all stakeholders is essential.
  • Lead the Organization’s Waste Management: This includes implementing waste management programs to minimize waste generation and ensure proper disposal, including recycling and hazardous waste treatment.
  • Awareness and Training: As a specialist, the environmental consultant must clearly communicate the regulations to be followed, the goals established, and the actions that the company and employees must take to achieve them.


How Can Environmental Pollution Be Reduced?

All these tasks in the daily life of an environmental consultant have a defined purpose: reducing pollution. And simultaneously, the awareness work goes beyond the immediate work environment, as their knowledge should help advance a challenge that involves all societal actors. What key measures can this professional teach to reduce pollution in companies? Here are a few:

  • Sustainable Logistics: Optimizing transport routes helps reduce environmental impact, as does promote the use of an electric or hybrid vehicle fleet.
  • Clean Production Practices: The environmental consultant can recommend the use of technologies that generate fewer emissions.
  • Waste Management: Companies, especially in industrial sectors, generate a significant amount of waste. Promoting reuse and recycling and establishing appropriate measures to reduce emissions in production processes is key.
  • Commitment to Renewable Energies: Implementing the use of biomass, biogas, wind, or solar energy as energy resources maintains process efficiency and reduces environmental impact.

How Much Does an Environmental Consultant Earn?

The average salary of a sustainability consultant varies greatly depending on factors such as experience and job location. In this regard, the difference between countries where the company is located is significant. Companies located in regions with more sustainable policies and social awareness offer higher salaries.

For example, in the United States, the average salary is around $78,000. In Europe, countries like Germany offer salaries ranging from €28,000 to €79,000, while in the Netherlands, the average is around €33,000.


How to Become an Environmental Consultant?

Education is essential to gain the knowledge needed to become an environmental consultant. It is important to have solid management knowledge, which will serve as a basis for specializing in the specific field of sustainability. University studies related to biology, environmental sciences, or environmental engineering are a good starting point. However, the distinguishing element of this professional is acquired through specialization provided by an online master’s degree in sustainability.

In addition to technical knowledge specific to the specialization, the training process is crucial to develop skills that will be fundamental in daily life. Project management, teamwork, and the ability to communicate the needs and best practices required for each activity are especially valued by companies.


What Should You Study to Become an Environmental Consultant?

The online master’s degree in sustainability from Rome Business School provides the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to business transformation, establish sustainable development goals, and create products with no negative impact on companies. These studies enhance a professional profile increasingly in demand by companies.

The master’s program allows students to maintain direct contact with companies, offering practical exercises, company visits, and exclusive speakers. All this within the exclusive environment of the most international business school in Italy and with professors with extensive experience in different companies worldwide.

The master’s program is sponsored by the CNR (National Research Council of Italy) and RES4 Africa and emphasizes practical aspects. With the support of CNR specialists, students will learn to manage key aspects such as plastic recycling and gain advanced knowledge of biogas and biomethane production, among other topics.

Data supports the success of specialized training in a growing field: one year after completing the master’s, former students achieve an average salary increase of 22%.