International Master in Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Ranked TOP 40 in Hospitality Management worldwide by Eduniversal
- 87.5% of our students increased their professional responsibilities, with an average salary increase of 65% after the master.
- Practice Lab in collaboration with W Rome
- The Master in Tourism and Hospitality Management offers a comprehensive insight into the tourism and catering industry, providing specialised and up-to-date skills that will be fundamental for a successful career.
- International Bootcamp. Choose from: Tuscany, Sillicon Valley, Paris, London, China, Barcelona, Rome, Doha, Porto, Dublin, Grand Tour Italy and Lagos. An immersive and stimulating experience focused on the world of business.
The tourism and hospitality sector is constantly growing and requires highly specialised professionals. This master's programme offers a unique opportunity to focus on these specific sectors, allowing you to gain in-depth knowledge of trends, challenges and opportunities.
We collaborate with a wide network of corporate partners and provide students with access to internships and job opportunities during and after the master's programme.