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The RBS Digital Hackathon is around the corner! | RBS4Entrepreneurship

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Are you ready for the RBS Digital Hackathon?

The event, exclusively dedicated to students enrolled in the #RBS4Entrepreneurship path, is a unique opportunity to get tech guidance from experienced mentors, in partnership with Epicode.

Creating a website, app or e-commerce is one of the most daunting experiences for a wannabe entrepreneur when first building a startup, that’s why the Digital Hackathon was born: an opportunity to learn the basics and create a first mockup of your product or service, helping future entrepreneurs and their teams in studying the technological feasibility of their projects and the implementation of digital technologies.

A two-day program including a Masterclass on How to Build an MVP, Workshops on UX, E-Commerce and App Prototyping and Mentorship with dedicated IT experts. Plus, if you don’t have a team, you can still register as an individual for the masterclass and workshop.

Not just a learning opportunity but a huge help in securing your spot in the RBS Incubator, in fact, the winning team is awarded a Fast-Track Access to the Selection Day, and will automatically be included among the 15 projects who make it to the Selection Day, skipping the pre-evaluation and directly jumping to the jury evaluation!

Winners will be announced on Tuesday January 31st, via Social Media.

Tips for a great Minimum-Viable-Product or MVP

We asked Lucrezia Argentino, Program Coordinator of RBS4Entrepreneurship to share some tips on building your first MPV, and what to expect from it.

“An MVP is the very first version of your product or service: it can be a demo of a website, a simple version of an e-commerce or even a mockup of a mobile app. The MVP is the easiest way for your audience to understand exactly what you have in mind and what will be final version of the product or service you want to create.”

Here’s Lucrezia’s tips on how to approach your first MVP.

  1. When creating an MVP your objective is to communicate how you envision your product.
  2. Don’t panic! Your MVP doesn’t need to be complete or functioning. All you need is to produce a clear mock-up of your product.
  3. Through the MVP gain validation and keep on improving your project. Don’t be scared of failure! Learn from each mistake you make and keep getting better.