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News 14/04/2022

Porsche, Coca-Cola HBC, KPMG and Rai Cinema at the Welcome Week of Rome Business School welcoming over 740 students

Rome Business School opens its doors to its new students: 40% Italian, 60% international of which 68% European, 32% from the rest of the world, the main countries: Germany, Greece, Holland, Egypt, United States, Switzerland; They will be welcomed by 10 top managers from leading global companies in
News 12/04/2022

Managing stress in the workplace: the role of human resources

In 2020, the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic posed a real challenge to the world of work. The measures taken to contain the spread of the virus – the lockdown during the first phase of the epidemic and the subsequent social distancing policies – had a decisive impact on companies and pub
News 08/04/2022

Rome Business School completes its RBS4Entrepreneurship cycle with 42 startup ideas, 5 accelerated projects and 2 startups in commercialization phase

The RBS4Entrepreneurship has reached 1 year, with the Pitch Day and the presentations of the incubation program teams. LampoVet won the RBS4Entrepreneurship first round 2022, thanks to his members’ innovative idea: a startup dedicated to dogs’ skin and nutrition, being the only digital platf
News 08/04/2022

RBS Students participate to the EFMD Global Virtual Fairs by Highered: among the employers present Amazon, L’Oreal and Barilla

From April 5 to 7, Rome Business School participated in the EFMD Highered Virtual Fairs, a series of meetings that connect the job market to the academic world through a single virtual platform in pavilion format. The EFMD Global Virtual Fairs by Highered is a major biannual week-long event tha
News 06/04/2022

Investments in blockchain technology will reach $ 11.7 billion this year.

The Italian banking system has been using blockchain technology since 2020, currently around 100 banking institutions use it, including BNL BNP Paribas, Intesa Sanpaolo, Unicredit, UBI Banca; Italy is a pioneer in the use of blockchain technology thanks to the introduction of the “Check” proce
News 05/04/2022

e-Health: how technology is changing medicine

The Internet and new technologies, including mobile technologies, have irrevocably changed the way we communicate. The rapid and continuous evolution of the knowledge economy influences and affects the activities and behaviour of individuals and businesses, as well as the social, economic and