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Indonesian Government officials at RBS to discover Italian best practices on Education Technology

We are delighted to announce the successful program on “Italian Education Technology & Pedagogical Science” attended by Indonesian Government officials. The course took place on the 13th of June at the Rome Business School, in collaboration with the Indonesian Government and the Nordic Asean Business Forum.

The main objective of this program was to foster collaboration between Italy and Indonesia in education, with a specific focus on educational technology and pedagogical science.

This synergy between the Indonesian Government, the Rome Business School, and the Nordic Asean Business Forum created a conducive environment for learning and establishing long-term partnerships”, explained Gerlie Saura – International Business Development Manager.

The course provided a unique opportunity for Indonesian government officials to explore the latest innovations in the sector and deepen their understanding of best pedagogical practices thanks to Prof. Valerio Mancini – Professor and Director of the Divulgative Research Center of the Rome Business School.

We hope that this initiative will lead to further opportunities for cooperation between Italy and Indonesia in the education sector, promoting innovation and development in the field of education in line with our mission & vision”, stated Prof. Antonio Ragusa – RBS Dean.