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How to find work abroad

The current state of the global economy tends to remove economic, political, and linguistic borders, and point ever more towards transnational economic and cooperative activities. Stable countries, as much as emerging ones, have a constant need for skills that can only be fully satisfied by people with high levels of training and skills gained in direct contact with international teachers and actual business realities.

Working abroad thus represents a unique opportunity with endless benefits. It enables to experience new cultures, learn a living language, meet new people, and create professional contacts and networks that are highly profitable in the long run. Gaining international experience also means expanding our skills and develop competencies such as risk courage and flexibility, which make candidates much more attractive even for their subsequent jobs. Choosing to pursue an international career is the best investment, an investment in ourselves.

Of course, looking for work abroad and, having found it, settling in and beginning a new job, can sometimes be complicated. Here then is a list of tips on how to deal with this choice.

1. Networking

Communicating with as many people as possible to raise awareness of our skills is the best starting point. Platforms such as LinkedIn and, not least, various social networks like Facebook are excellent tools to create a network of relationships and raise awareness of our professional profile.

Old style word of mouth remains a powerful tool to create opportunities through friends, colleagues, family members and acquaintances. It also helps to talk to and ask people who are already working abroad, or former study and training colleagues to get practical and useful information, as well as to create new alliances and networks.

2. Creating an effective profile

Accurately preparing a résumé tailored to those who will read it is essential to show, from the very first formal contact, true interest in the desired job. Sending formatted résumé is totally useless; this is now universally accepted, but never sufficiently reiterated.

  • Contacting people personally, even before sending our résumé, is extremely profitable: we can ask questions, announce that we are going to submit an application , emphasize our interest in collaborating; this shows a willingness to come into direct contact with people, and the desire to put ourselves forward and be known regardless of the outcome.
  • Indicating our communication, analysis, and personnel management abilities, and our leadership and cooperation skills is crucial.
  • Inquiring about any specific national résumé preparation criteria is important because it is a way to prepare a résumé that shows, to those who evaluate it, a genuine interest in the culture, the habits, and the ways of doing things of the host country.
  • We should not underestimate supplying a local address, near the site for which we are applying, or at least indicating our expected date of arrival.
  • Communicating, through what we write, a certain degree of flexibility and willingness to follow periods of training, learn new skills, take courses, or other, is also highly recommended.

3. Language and permits

Of course, possessing strong communication and good language skills is critical. But it is also very important that we are honest about our level of competency, indicating previous experiences, courses completed, certificates earned, previous periods of study and work carried out abroad. In the case of lesser-known languages, it is essential to show interest in a constant effort to learn a new language and a willingness to be followed by experts.

Finding out in good time about the necessary permits (Visa) and about how to obtain them is a step of no less importance. Aspects connected to health care and the rules pertaining to renting or buying somewhere to stay should not be overlooked.

4. Inquiring on wages and taxes

Aspects related to wages and tax returns, as well as budgeting for the expenses we will incur where we will live are not to be underestimated: transportation, cost of living, daily expenses. All these must be carefully assessed in relation to our budget. Inquiring about any included benefits, such as luncheon vouchers, possibility for accommodation or other, is also recommended.

It is important to remember that even if we are retracing paths traveled by others, we are always doing so in different shoes, our own! Better yet if we create and explore a path of own! It will help us become unique and thus to be in great demand.