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EOCCS certifies 3 more online courses of Rome Business School

  • EOCCS has certified 3 more Rome Business School online courses, within the International Online Master in Marketing and Sales.
  • Only two Business Schools in Italy have obtained EOCCS certification from EFMD, the highest recognition for online courses, certified by the most prestigious accreditation institute in Europe.
  • Italy thus ranks among the 11 countries in the world for quality of online learning.
  • This recognition to RBS, is due to the design and implementation of the innovative Online Flexon methodology, which is very disruptive in Italy.

Rome Business School reconfirms itself among the excellences in Italy in online management education, among the only two Italian business schools to obtain the EOCCS certification from EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), the most important quality accreditation institute in Europe.

The certification, issued by the EOCCS Certification Board, attests to the excellence of online courses of training providers on a global scale, rewarding them for meeting the standards of course design and use of suitable technologies, as established by the Review Panel; after a careful review, the EOCCS Certification Board recognized RBS 3 more courses-Resource Management, Accounting & Budgeting, and Project & Operations Management-of Rome Business School in line with the best standards globally.

To date Rome Business School sees 7 EOCCS-EFMD certified courses, out of a total of 9 recognized in Italy by the same institution. The 3 from the International Online Master in Marketing and Sales at RBS are thus added to the 4 from the International Online Master in HR & Organization also from RBS, and 2 courses from the Politecnico di Milano.

Rome Business School offers in-person training on the Rome campus as well as distance learning, and this recognition comes thanks to the design and implementation of a new online methodology called Flexon that, in line with European standards, balances synchronous, asynchronous training of the student and allows him or her better interaction with professors and other students. This additional recognition thus confirms that RBS is in the right direction in the process of aligning Online Methodology with international standards, characterized by flexibility and a hybrid approach to learning.

“For us, the EOCCS certification represents our dedication and commitment to promoting a culture of continuous learning and growth in the ever-evolving world of online education,” says Massimo Scarcello, Academic Director of Rome Business School.

In Italy, online education is almost always ondemand, but RBS is unique in offering the right balance that allows students to interface with professors and the rest of the group. Rome Business School is therefore a first-runner in this: for the same number of hours and CFUs, the weekly activities of the RBS online masters include live lectures, in video-pills, Forum debate activities, individual study and research, project writing and editing, and Q&A sessions.

There are 3 courses in RBS’s International Online Master Marketing and Sales that have been awarded the EOCCS certification, Master directed by Prof. Francesco Landolfi:

  • Human Resources Management – prof. Natasha Valentine
  • Accounting & Budgeting – prof. Alessandro Villadei
  • Project & Operations Management prof. Angelo Cauceglia

The courses were evaluated for the quality of the methodology, the balance between synchronous and asynchronous activities, the interaction of students through the various technological tools provided by RBS, and the active involvement of the students themselves during the courses.

“This new EOCCS certification represents a significant achievement and marks a crucial milestone in our ongoing commitment to provide world-class business education. The EOCCS, European Online Course Certification System, sets high quality standards for online and distance corporate training. This recognition underscores our ongoing commitment to maintaining and continually improving the educational excellence we offer our students. Our staff and faculty have worked tirelessly to contribute to the academic environment that made this certification possible. This recognition truly belongs to them, and I am deeply grateful for their continued commitment and contributions. The celebration of this momentous occasion only spurs us on to work even harder in the pursuit of academic excellence. We are aware of the responsibility that accompanies this recognition and we are committed to constantly improving and innovating our courses and programs,” says Antonio Ragusa, Dean of Rome Business School.

Rome Business School is among the leading business schools in Italy, offering both online and on-campus courses, with more than 10 years of experience in distance learning. With an exclusively online class composition, it confirms itself as a pioneer in Online Methodology, enabling interaction between students and faculty from 5 continents.

“With this EOCCS certification, we look forward to providing an even richer learning environment for our students. Our mission remains to provide students with the knowledge, skills and global perspectives needed to thrive in today’s business world. I extend my sincerest gratitude to the EOCCS Certification Committee for their confidence in Rome Business School. This is an encouraging recognition of our efforts and a challenge to continue to exceed the high standards we have set for ourselves,” says Antonio Ragusa.