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News 16/03/2021

Improve your critical thinking

It happens frequently during your business career to not properly address a simple issue, sometimes because of the pressure other times because you don’t take enough time to address the issue.  What do you need in this case is to improve you critical thinking! Critical thinking is a learned
News 12/03/2021

Growing in your career isn’t just about your Skills but also about your relationships

Is very frequent to hit a point in our career where the emphasis we’ve placed on accomplishing goals doesn’t return the same rewards. By doing that we’ve crossed an invisible line, and we usually don’t know what can happen until there aren’t any repercussions. This type of situati
News 09/03/2021

Rome Business School interactively participate to the QS Fair 2021

Planning your future is essential, especially during a global crisis like the one we are experiencing this period. Is actually in this emergency context that we have to keep moving on and have a constant look at the future.  This is why us as International oriented Business School are particip
News 05/03/2021

Women in Fashion and 8th of March 2021

Article redacted by Michela Bonafoni, Trend Researcher, Business School Consultant, Program Director and teacher of the Master in Fashion and Design Management. It would be interesting to imagine what Chanel, Lanvin, Madame Gres, Vionnet would say, the first women to be not only undisputed fashio
News 04/03/2021

What should you focus on when looking for a new job?

Applying to jobs sometimes can be a bet. In a typical job market, the hit rate for getting an interview is maybe 10%. When you apply, plan on sending out 200 resumes, not 20, and focus on what you can control: being the absolute best job candidate possible.  Getting a job is like playing bask
News 03/03/2021

RBS – Research Center releases “Counterfeiting in the current economic context”: 30 billions of euros of counterfeiting turnover in Italy and the global challenges to block illicit products

“Counterfeiting in the current economic context. The main tools for the protection of the “Made in Italy” a national and worldwide analysis on trends and values of one of the spread activities of the last decade increases in the medical supplies following the Covid-19 pandemic. Rome Busines