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News 22/01/2021

What do we mean for "Public Debt"?

An extract from the Rome Business School Research Center Research Report Public debt is the debt contracted by the state to meet its own needs. In other words, it represents the necessary resources to ensure that the state machine, made up of services and investments, works. The difference betwee
News 21/01/2021

Develop your leadership skills by practicing in a low-risk environment

Most leadership trainings are about teaching ideas, sharing best practices, and increasing knowledge. But successful people rarely become better leaders because they know more. They become better leaders because they follow through on what they know. That follow-through requires a strong “emo
News 18/01/2021

Recovery Fund-Italy: the debt / GDP ratio below 140% by 2025

The latest Research Report published by Rome Business School shows how the Recovery Fund for Italy will produce growth only from 2023 with 8 decimal places of additional GDP after the 4 attributed to it in 2022. Meanwhile, the gap between the North and South of Italy is also growing in terms of pub
News 15/01/2021

Donne ed imprenditorialità

È Anindya Saha, CEO and Founder of Nero Ventures, il relatore del Webinar, Women and Entrepreneurship.Il 2 febbraio approfondiremo il tema delle donne imprenditrici e di come nel corso degli anni stanno scalando la vetta del successo, sfaldando le regole mondiali di gendergap. Il numero di im
News 15/01/2021

Women and Entrepreneuship

Is Anindya Saha the speaker of the Webinar, Women and Entrepreneurship. On February the 2nd we will go deeper into the topic of Women starting their own business. The number of women-owned businesses increased nearly 3,000% since 1972 according to the “2018 State of Women-Owned Businesses Re
News 14/01/2021

Who is a Data Scientist?

People using computers or smartphones continuously generates datas: just think about all the social network posts or video uploaded daily on the broadcast platforms. Each device connected to the Internet continuously generates data, tons of data! Today, in the Internet of Things (IoT) era, t