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News 05/03/2020

Success stories: Apostolos Christoforidis

Apostols Chirtoforidis one of our students from the Master in International Human Resources Management told us about his experience with the PNValue Hellas IKE company. My position at PNValue Hellas as an HR intern, came after having been working closely with the career services department. One o
News 05/03/2020

Information about the coronavirus

Following the instructions of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4.3.2020, on the measures to be taken for the new COVID-19 virus crown published yesterday, 4 March 2020, we officially  communicate that all the academic activities of Rome Business School will take place Online. From today, the 5
News 27/02/2020

11th Graduation Ceremony of the Indian Institute of Logistic

We were present during the celebration of the 11th Graduation Ceremony of our school partner Indian Institute of Logistic. Among the international partners of Rome Business School, the Indian Institute of Logistics is based in Chennai, Dubai and Kochi, we collaborate with them especially in the d
News 26/02/2020

Why to choose an International Training

Those who decide to pursue an International Training with a business profile are usually the ones who are open to novelties, increasingly directed towards development and innovation. Today a few companies operate only on the national territory, every business has at least an area dedicated to opera
News 18/02/2020

Continues the partnership between Rome Business School and PWA - Professional Women Association

Rome Business School has renewed its partnership with the PWA – Professional Women’s Association of Rome. As one of the most international Italian institution, Rome Business School is proud to keep working with PWA exchanging information and expertise, both committed to work for a common ob
News 12/02/2020

Graduation Ceremony Celebration 2020

Rome Business School is pleased to announce the celebration of the Graduation Ceremony 2020, on Friday May 29. Each year the school dedicates this event to the formalization of the objectives achieved by our students through their previous studies. Students from all over world gather on this day