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News 25/03/2020

Leaders of Tomorrow

How would you describe a great leader?  There are many answers to this question. Some people will say that a great leader should be assertive, adaptable, intelligence, quick and perfectly organized. But the truth is that nowadays a good leader should be always positive, empowering and continuous
News 24/03/2020

Interactive Welcome Session

Our Welcome Week started yesterday, a week of introduction and welcome to all of our new students, given the difficult period we decided to bring all our activities of training online. The world does not stop and it is important for Rome Business School to continue with providing training to our
News 21/03/2020

Interactive Welcome Week 2020 instructions for use

We are almost there, 2 days left before the opening of the Interactive Rome Business School Welcome Week 2020 and everything is almost ready. A full week of activities entirely dedicated to our student in helping them discover all the educational paths signed by Rome Business School and to some o
News 19/03/2020

Work Smart - Play Smart!

A classic motto of the American culture is “Work hard, play hard”. In 2020 it is time to renew this motto. So on the wave of the difficult moment that the whole world is experiencing, why do not talk about: “Work smart, play smart”? Smart activities are composed of 2 macro blocks: the v
News 18/03/2020

Interactive Welcome Week 2020

Rome Business School does not stop and we have decided to get interactive with all of our Welcome Week 2020 activities. On the 23rd of March 2020 computers on and get connected to a preview of the Rome Business School world. We will introduce you to our teachers, our staff and you will have a li
News 16/03/2020

Smart Working and Gender Gap - 2 big challenges of the future of the world

The world is changing at the speed of light. Digitization, globalization and demographic changes are having a deep impact on our life, our cultures and our societies. These and other macro-trends are rapidly transforming the way we interact with our friends and families, the way we run our bus