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News 05/08/2020

New technologies and e-learning

With 2020 started a new era, related to interactive learning and new technologies, which offer revolutionary teaching methods and innovative strategies of connection for students, teachers and institutions. In this optic the higher education is changing and Rome Business School is implementing its
News 30/07/2020

Come l’Italia rinasce e contrasta l’esodo dei giovani talenti, attraendone anche dall’estero.

La formazione Italiana rilancia il mercato ed attrae profili sempre più internazionali Negli anni passati i governi italiani hanno adottato diverse misure per far fronte al fenomeno emigratorio,principalmente concedendo aiuti economici ai laureati espatriati che fanno ritorno in Italia. A
News 29/07/2020

Interactive Company Visit - Aser Ventures

For the Interactive company visit, this time Rome Business School brought the students of the master in Sport and Lifestyle management, through the dynamic and international reality of Aser Ventures. Mr. Vittorio Ferro – Live now (Aser venture), Senior Marketing Manager guided our students thro
News 28/07/2020

The new Leaders

A new generation is born, where the top talents are yet to be discovered. In our millennium, the future leadershave different origins, different ages and different genders. Rome Business School takes pride in encouraginggender equality and forming the new leaders of the world, men and women 
News 27/07/2020

Company meeting

Gruppo Jobel Gruppo Jobel is an international cultural organization that has committed to raising awareness and engagement about social and environmental issues through artistic and educational programs since 2000. Working both globally and locally, it supports governments, institutions, UN Age
News 26/07/2020

The demographic trends in Italy and worldwide

Stop the loss of talents, attract talents from abroad, economic and social costs, trends and proposals in the Rome Business School’s research Italy, the oldest country in Europe, will lose about 7 million inhabitants, 11% of its total population within the next 50 years, mainly due to the drop