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Quality Assurance Process

Our Quality Assurance Process

In pursuit of its institutional objectives, the Rome Business School is committed to guarantee the continuous improvement of its programs, processes, results in terms of student and stakeholder’s satisfaction by following the standards promoted by the European Foundation for Management Development – EFMD Global Network. The main objective of the school is to increase the quality of the programs through a constant process of review and program’s update in order to ensure teaching quality, student’s satisfaction and innovation of the masters itself.


The process unfolds in four phases that are always interrelated and co-depended:

  • Analysis of the institutional context and its contribution to the development and support of the master;
  • the course composition;
  • the delivery of the courses;
  • the quality assurance process.

There are specific set of the standards that each master program will have to refer to and respond to at every stage. Every year a report is developed, that contains and describes all the phases and processes.

Within the phase described as Quality Assurance, we have established an improvement process, called Program Improvement Process (PIP) that focuses on constant monitoring and targeted specific actions for improvement of current and future courses and programs.

The Quality Assurance process integrates the voices of all the stakeholders within the Rome Business School community and aims to share feedback and implement a shared improvement strategy for didactic excellence.

Since Rome Business Schools is a member of some of the most important national and international associations (ASFOR, EFMD, PRME, European Council for Business Education, PMI), it always takes into account new trends, new practices, follows research and statistics which are shared with all the members during annual conferences, workshops and seminars to enrich and align the masters, with the demands on the market.

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