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News 17/05/2023

New partnership with DONNEXSTRADA

Rome Business School is extremely pleased to announce its new partnership with DONNEXSTRADA. An association that offers concrete help to victims of gender-based violence while providing tools to prevent the recurrence of those dynamics. One of the initiatives they are involved in is educating and r
News 17/05/2023

Rome Business School's Career Center Announces Winner of the Personal Branding Challenge

RBS Career Center, in collaboration with leading recruitment companies Oracle, Renault Group, Coca-Cola HBC Italia, Hays Careers Italia, and The Career Writing Connection, is thrilled to announce Anna Vo, a student of the International Master in Arts and Culture Management, as the winner of the Pers
News 17/05/2023

Rome Business School CAB Day 2023

Domenico De Masi at the Rome Business School’s CAB Day “in 2030 work will occupy 1/12 of life: managers must take advantage of the benefits of automation for shorter but more productive working days” 101 members of the Rome Business School’s Corporate Advisory Board are meeting at the Hotel
News 17/05/2023

RBS hosted the University of Texas Study Tour in Rome

Rome Business School and University of Texas, Austin collaborated in a study abroad program that will provide students with an opportunity to gain invaluable insights and experiences in the field of business. Monday the May 15, 2023, RBS hosted University of Texas, Austin in Rome. We are proud to a
News 12/05/2023

Canon and Rome Business School together to explore the new world of work

The partnership between Canon Italia and Rome Business School continues, with the two entities engaged on different activities with a twofold common goal: to enhance talent and bring innovation to the market. After a first project that saw the two companies collaborate on the realization of a resear
News 12/05/2023

Executive Masters Students Welcomed by Gruppo Ferrovie Italiane and Auditorium Parco della Musica

Over 1,000 students chose to enroll in Rome Business School for Welcome Week 2023 in April! Our #RBSWelcomeWeek23 was full of activities: inspiring lectures with CEOs, Workshops, Roman tours, all to get newcomers into the RBS spirit. More than 150 countries were represented, with students from all o