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News 27/08/2020

Social Medias, a key tool of the Hiring Process

As the years go by, social media are becoming more and more an essential aspect of our lives, not only private but also professional! Especially in a period like the one that we are living, almost any aspect of our daily routine is becoming digital, even the hiring process. In this particular scena
News 22/08/2020

Working Abroad? Yes or No?

Some insights to consider if wanting to choose an international career path Even if it might not be this the right moment to travel around the world, you have thought about pursuing an international career experience, in the future as soon as we will live some better conditions. To this purpose i
News 20/08/2020


Fall Session – From September 2020 EFMD’s Virtual Fair opens its doors to Rome Business School students (thanks to their partnership and collaboration) to its Fall session 2020. A set of events and meetings entirely dedicated to career and job searching activities, will follow one to a
News 18/08/2020

The perforated ball: Football, geopolitics and POST COVID19 scenarios

August 2020 – Rome Business School Research Center Rome Business School – Research Center published its 5th Report of Research by Valerio Mancini and Alessio Postiglione (coordinator of the Master in Political Marketing and Communication) on the increasingly internationally discussed topic of
News 14/08/2020

Building a career in line with your passions

Filling your day with something that you really enjoy is extremely important as you will always be doing it for a conspicuous amount of time in life. So, with so much of your life dedicated to your career, why do not fill it with something that you really care about? In this way you will not only g
News 13/08/2020

Coffee Break

Fabio Pisi Vitagliano – Human Resources Lecturer Name: Fabio Surname: Pisi Vitagliano Subject and Courses: Human Resources Management Lecturer *personal short BIO: Fabio Pisi Vitagliano is a corporate coach, a facilitator and a professor. His mission is: helping people achieve their goals