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News 17/09/2020

A Master to improve your career path

Earning an advanced degree can serve as a stepping stone to new opportunities within your organization or to get your dreamed position. Many professionals find that their master’s degrees have helped them to get ahead at work and contributed to their long-term career success. A master’s deg
News 14/09/2020

ESSEC - International Study Tour in Rome

An international study experience in Rome for the ESSEC students of the MBA in Luxury and Brand Management. Monday 14 September 2020 – Rome Business School welcomes the students of the MBA in Luxury Brand Management of ESSEC Business School. ESSEC Business School (École Supérieure des Sci
News 11/09/2020

Musei Capitolini

Interactive visit Inaugurated in 1734, with an exhibition area of more than 12.900 m2, Capitoline Museums are considered to be the oldest museum of the whole human history. Its history, in fact, can be traced back to 1471. In this year Pope Sixtus IV decided to donate an important collection of
News 11/09/2020

Exploring Rome

How to efficiently move around Rome Rome, one of the largest cities in Italy, certainly among the most beautiful in the world. Which are the most effective ways to admire it avoiding the annoying traffic? Let’s see them together! Ordinary public transport in Rome includes the metro, buses, tr
News 10/09/2020

EFMD – Virtual Career Fair 2020

15th of September 2020  EFMD’s Virtual Fair opens its doors to Rome Business School students (thanks to their partnership and collaboration) to its Fall session 2020. A set of events and meetings entirely dedicated to career and job searching activities, will follow one to another from Septe
News 09/09/2020

Achieving your goals: best practices to succeed

Everyone has a goal that that they dream to achieve, but something usually gets in the way of actually accomplishing it. Although life tends to stop one’s plans and projects with unforeseen events, it’s actually your own mind that turns out to be your worst enemy, allowing you to create infi