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News 25/09/2020

Executive workshop - Web Reputation

How Web Reputation can affect your career  Francesca di Minico – Search & selection Specialist – Gi Group Your digital footprint is fundamental when looking for a job, in fact the 90% of executive recruiters say that they usually conduce online researches of potential candidates, and 70
News 25/09/2020

The New Casual

Which is the right Office Outfit? A studio from Dockers will tell us Formal jacket and tie or casual shirt and slack? White collars from European companies seem to be more and more intolerant towards workplace ‘uniforms. This is what emerged from a study carried out by the Spanish company ‘We
News 24/09/2020

Rome Business School and women talent

In collaboration with PWA (Professional Women Association) Rome Business School revolutionized the ordinary higher education method through dynamic and effective training but as well focuses of people to create future managers prepared to take the world to the next age of modernity and progress.
News 22/09/2020

Meet the company - Rome Business School

Dr Schär SPA For our company meeting appointments, this time students will meet Dr. Schär SPA, a company dedicated to the production of Gluten-Free foods for celiac. 18 offices in 11 countries make Dr. Schär SPA one of the most influential companies for celiac products in Europe and th
News 21/09/2020

EURAFRICA - Europe can save itself by saving Africa

Antonio Ragusa and Diego Masi, education as a development key between Europe and Africa.  A debate on cooperation between two continents that facing the giants of the world market are weak, but with enormous potential when viewed from a perspective of collaboration and exchange of “Know How”
News 18/09/2020

Leadership: To Guide or Sustain?

If there’s anything that the world should have learned by now, is that we are not as indestructible and strong as we thought – and we definitely have no chance against Nature. Covid-19 is living proof that pandemics are not just science-fiction and can truly lead to global economic disasters.