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News 21/12/2020

Happy Seasons Greetings

Rome Business School The end of the year approaches and we would like to send you our warmest wishes. Summarising our activities and encouraging to improve where necessary, emerged all the achievement and great results reached from both: us as institutions and our students. The same students t
News 18/12/2020

Stay motivated and achieve your goals

This year has thrown a wrench in everyone’s plans, sometimes it might seem difficult to think about future projects and goals, things have been changing from one week to another one and it seems harder tho to think about next week, and much more to next year or at 5 years from now. But there i
News 18/12/2020

Stay motivated and achieve your goals

This year has thrown a wrench in everyone’s plans, sometimes it might seem difficult to think about future projects and goals, things have been changing from one week to another one and it seems harder tho to think about next week, and much more to next year or at 5 years from now. But there i
News 16/12/2020

Meet American Express

On Friday the 18th of December 2020 Get the chance to meet American Express!  Also known as Amex, the American multinational financial services corporation headquartered at 200 Vesey Street in New York City, named by Forbes as the 23rd most valuable brand in the world (and the highest within
News 15/12/2020

How to Gain Credibility When You Have Little Experience

Is always more frequent for young talents to incur into the paradox of starting a new job, with little previous experience in a given field, that need to show and be seen as confident and credible, as they need to have already covered the ground before even having started yet. For all the young
News 11/12/2020

Ferrari @ Rome Business School

“Ferrari GT Marketing Academy” talent program Collaboriamo con Ferrari sia in termini di opportunità di carriera o formazione professionale dei nostri studenti sia al fine di conoscere ed approfondire le dinamiche ed i trend aziendali, di uno dei Brand e Business simbolo dell’eccellenza it