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News 20/04/2021

AC MILAN - Women's League

Company Visit with Elizabet Spina director of the Women’s sector of A.C. Milan Elisabet Spina introduces the women’s section of AC Milan to the students of the Master in Sport and Lifestyle Management. Football coach and former. Italian footballer, she is responsible for the women’s sect
News 13/04/2021

Get Ready to Start

Are you ready for Rome Business School? Follow all our “Ready to Start” tips and guidance to get the most out of your educational experience! Let’s network through pool live surveys  Here 10 Tips to help you on your study journey! Determine your study goals! What is your learning str
News 12/04/2021

Who are the guests of the Rome Business School Welcome Week 2022

GET INSPIRED is the session of our Welcome Week dedicated to the inspiration of our students. This is why we are pleased to hear 5 members of our Corporate Advisory Board as well as CEO and General Manager of large companies and activities recognized in the national and international sector. Daniel
News 12/04/2021

The main Top Soft Skills for 2021

One of the main programs that we offer for each of our Master programs is Life and Soft Skills, why? Because Soft Skills are the glue that links together all the competences needed by a young talent to pursue his or her career dreams and be able to enter into a selected reality. But which are the
News 09/04/2021

10 Rome Business School’s Masters ranked among the Best in the World and In Western Europe by Eduniversal’s Ranking 2021.

Rome Business School positions 10 of its masters among the best in the world and Italy and 3 of them are also italian leaders for higher Education in management areas such as Marketing, Communication and Human Resoruces. Rome Business School place it self also as the Business School with more ranke
News 08/04/2021

CEO’s of Starbucks, Jaguar, Ferrarelle and MHR Global will participate to the Rome Business School’s Welcome Week 2021

The Welcome Week is Rome Business School’s official Welcome and Introduction to the Italian most international community of business talents, it will be held from the 26th to the 30th of April and will display a wide range of different activities to let future talents to Be Inspired, Informed,