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News 19/03/2020

Work Smart - Play Smart!

A classic motto of the American culture is “Work hard, play hard”. In 2020 it is time to renew this motto. So on the wave of the difficult moment that the whole world is experiencing, why do not talk about: “Work smart, play smart”? Smart activities are composed of 2 macro blocks: the v
News 18/03/2020

Interactive Welcome Week 2020

Rome Business School does not stop and we have decided to get interactive with all of our Welcome Week 2020 activities. On the 23rd of March 2020 computers on and get connected to a preview of the Rome Business School world. We will introduce you to our teachers, our staff and you will have a li
News 16/03/2020

Smart Working and Gender Gap - 2 big challenges of the future of the world

The world is changing at the speed of light. Digitization, globalization and demographic changes are having a deep impact on our life, our cultures and our societies. These and other macro-trends are rapidly transforming the way we interact with our friends and families, the way we run our bus
News 12/03/2020

Virtual Company Visit - UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute)

The activities of Rome Business School do not stop, our company visits became SMART too. With the students of the master’s degree in Political Marketing we virtually visited the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute. Fabrizio De Rosa, UNICRI Public Information Spec
News 10/03/2020

All the advantages of the Online Learning

The Online learning is booming always more as universities and businesses recognise the benefits that it brings to students, and how it can help employees to maintain their professional edge. This trend is not only growing in popularity, but nowadays is the main way that learners attend scho
News 09/03/2020

Rome Business School goes “Smart”

The precautionary measures to be adopted in this period have increased the use of our online e-learning platforms. As for Smart Working we at Rome Business School have made all our teaching activities, lessons, workshops and talks “Smart” now all online. An opportunity to get the most out of