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News 07/09/2020

Master’s program and Career

Why to choose a Master program  The benefits of earning a Master are countless. A Master helps you in gaining specialized knowledge and gives you a more in-depth understanding of your personal competencies and career focus in order to grow in your specific field. This specific knowle
News 04/09/2020

How to Negotiate a Salary change

Workshop held by Claudia Spinosa – Senior HR consultant and RBS’s Human Resources Lecturer The situation of how to negotiate a salary change is a pretty common concern with good reasons, considering how dramatically even a small salary increase can affect our lifetime earnings. Is im
News 04/09/2020


GUEST LECTURE From its etymology “modus, modi” fashion has always been concerned with codifying not only clothing trends but also with giving voice, through them, to social, current events and urgencies, starting from a constantcultural research, transforming collections into subjects 
News 01/09/2020

Happy to meet you!

Rome Business School is back “On Campus” Rome Business School is pleased to welcome students to our campus within a safe environment and with our usual enthusiasm  The safety of our students, teachers and staff has always been the base of every decision taken during this period of health e
News 31/08/2020

Coffee Break

Sandor Willems Subject and Courses: Marketing and Sales When did you find out you that you wanted to be a teacher? When I was 18 years young, I lived in the US for one year. During that year I had to give some guest lectures about living In Europe and specifically the Netherlands. Providing
News 28/08/2020

New partnership for Rome Business School with ACE Education Group

AMOS, CMH and ESDAC Rome Business School is pleased to announce the signing of a new partnership with ACE Education, the French group in which are reunited three different schools specialized in three different sectors: AMOS Sport Business School, a pioneering school leader in France for profes