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News 11/11/2020

ASFOR The Italian Association for Management Training accredited the Rome Business School Executive Master in Marketing and Sales

Rome – Tuesday November the 10th 2020. The Rome Business School’s Executive Master in Marketing and Sales is the only one in marketing whitin the specialized executive category to to be recognized and accredited by ASFOR, the most important Italian Association for Management Training whic
News 09/11/2020

International Business Leader Program

It starts today one of our projects dedicated to International Managerial Development. The International Bootcamps or International Business Leader Program is a fundamental part of the majority of the Masters and MBA programs designed by Rome Business School. We offer every year, during each educ
News 08/11/2020

What is your superpower? LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology

We welcomed the students of the executive masters in Marketing and Sales and Human Resources Management with an innovative approach to Project Management and Business Strategy the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology. With Giorgio Montefiore, international facilitator and trainer, certified for designin
News 06/11/2020

Our Partner Companies Enry's Island

Rome Business School collaborates with over 252 multinational companies form all over the world with whom organise meetings, workshop, webinars and talks to allow student to approach the business environment while pursuing their professional academic path. Let’s learn some insights about Enry�
News 05/11/2020

Leaders of Tomorrow

November 2020 welcome week activities Lecturer: Ema Di Petrillo Being a good leader today means acting ethical and a respectful of the centrality of the person in a society that is constantly in a rush. The management figures changed during the years, nowadays leaders are not anymore that far
News 02/11/2020

The Italy of Wine

Let’s start again with the Export and Professional Training. A research developed by Valerio Mancini, director of the Rome Business School – Research Center and Camilla Carrega, coordinator of the Master in Food and Beverage Management. Italy of wine at the time of covid-19. the new consump