Module 1 | Introduction to Economic Principles | 15 ECTS / 30 UK Credit
This module aims to introduce the fundamental economic concepts, theories, and analysis methods for understandingeconomic behaviour, structure, and policymaking in modern economies.
Students are expected to develop essential skills and knowledge that lays the foundation for studying intermediate andspecialised economics theories and issues.
Module 2 | Quantitative Methods in Business and Economics | 15 ECTS / 30 UK Credit
Economics is an academic and highly practical subject established by adopting a naturalsciences approach, hence, quantitative methods (i.e., mathematics and statistics) plays afundamental role in research and problem solving. This module introduces students to essential quantitative methods and allows students toreview fundamental numerical skills which will develop into key mathematical and statisticalmethods for economics and business.
Module 3 | The Future of Work | 15 ECTS / 30 UK Credit
Technology in the workplace is changing at a fast pace, with organisations striving to utilising tech to develop efficient business models. This module will introduce learners to emerging technologies and attitudes in the workplace. Students will examine how these new technologies are impacting business and been encouraged to identify potential opportunities for the future.
They will also examine shifting cultures and attitudes in the workplace environment and the development of these.
Module 4 | Business Enterprise | 15 ECTS / 30 UK Credit
This module introduces the learners to the circular economy and the business opportunity that this presents. They will be encouraged to develop their own business idea and create adventure which has social impact and is part of the circular economy. Learners will be taught the fundamentals of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI)design and will be introduced to the most current and appropriate digital tools to enable them to design an app for their business idea.
Module 1 | Intermediate Economic Theory and Applications | 15 ECTS / 30 UK Credit
The aim of this module is to introduce the intermediate level economic concepts, theories, and methods of analysis forunderstanding the behaviour, structure, and policy making of the economy at both the aggregate and individual levels.
By successfully completing this module students can deepen their understanding of economic principles and theoreticalmethods, provide a systematic application of economic theory to both domestic and international economic issues anddevelop of a range of study and analytical skills, including critical reflection, mathematical and graphical analysis.
Module 2 | Applied Mathematics and Statistics for Economists | 15 ECTS / 30 UK Credit
The module enables students to understand mathematical reasoning in economics. The techniques studied in the module provide students with abilities to form economic interpretations/formal arguments based on real-world data.
The module also aims to develop students’ skills and understanding of a selection of statistical techniques which form part of the economist’s toolkit for analysing models and quantitative data.
Module 3 | Applied Mathematics and Statistics for Economists | 15 ECTS / 30 UK Credit
The aim of this module allows students to develop a digital marketing toolbox for an organisation of their choice. Students will develop an understanding of the professional skills and attributes needed to work on a digital marketing project. Students will identify target audiences and digital channels, set digital goals, design the customer journey, and design a website.
This module allows students to assess the ways in which an organisation can deliver an online customer experience, and the importance of online presence to develop and support branding and customer service objectives. Four stages, including analysis of customer needs, design of website structure and layout,and creating the site will be explored.
Module 4 | Consultancy in Practice | 15 ECTS / 30 UK Credit
This module balances theory and practice enabling students to apply their learning directly to a real enterprise. Students work in small groups with a local business on a live consultancy brief. Working together the students define the problem and conduct macro-environmental research to present the business with recommendations towards suggested solutions. The module provides students with the opportunity to explore an enterprise and ideas associated with organisational behaviour and the wider managerial approaches to business development. Through active association with the enterprise, they will consider relevant theoretical concepts, analysis techniques, enterprise development and apply this theory and learning to a real-world context.
Bootcamp in Barcelona
Develop and manage a completely new business idea through the Google Ventures Methodology: The Design Sprint. Discover how innovation is leading the change of the global market and challenge your managerial and entrepreneurial projects to become real.
Module 1 | Reimagining the Future of Business and Society | 15 ECTS / 30 UK Credit
This module unpacks the UN Sustainable Development Goals and asks students to explore the utopian opportunities if the goals are met or the dystopian opportunities if they remain unmet. Learners are encouraged to understand the global impact these goals have through a systems-thinking lens. They will have the opportunity to examine global challenges and provide their solutions. The module will be assessed through the production of a portfolio of work plus team and individual problem-solving exercises.
Module 2 | Topics in Economics for Managerial Decisions and Strategy | 15 ECTS / 30 UK Credit
The module uses economic analysis to understand the rationales and impacts of firms’ strategic choices on their market performance and position. It also examines day-to-day operational level issues crucial to businesses and their response to dynamics in national and global business environments.
This module extends economic methods and theories to their applications in the business world. Students will acquire the skills and knowledge through which economists’ contribution to the identification, framing, analysis, and justification of a range of problems and decisions in business, manage.
Module 3 | Financial Markets and Investment | 15 ECTS / 30 UK Credit
This module aims to provide a comprehensive understanding on the nature and mechanism of financial markets. It provides students with the opportunities to understand and familiar with the main characteristics of financial instruments and trading practice. This module covers key financial principles and products in depth including assets and markets, equities, bonds, derivatives, and investment funds. It explores the broader economic environment in which the financial services sector operates and looks at how economic activity is determined and managed in different economic and political systems. The module offers a first introduction to financial services regulation and ensures candidates are provided with an understanding of ethical behaviour and acting with integrity.
Module 4 | Independent Project | 15 ECTS / 30 UK Credit
The aim of the module is to promote independent learning and enquiry for final year students by requiring them toundertake and present a significant piece of independent research employing the systematic analysis of their chosensubject area(s), thereby incorporating a wide range of learning from the discipline(s) associated with their award. To thisend, learners will be required to produce a project adopting appropriate research methods in order to address a current andrelevant issues in their subject area. The project will be conducted and authored on an individual basis and will culminate inan appropriate and coherently argued analysis and evaluation expressed within an effective appropriate framework ofpresentation. The learner will also be required to critically evaluate their personal development through the project process and reflect on strategies for further personal development.